Thursday, September 23, 2021

change of plan 계획 변경 changement de plan

I've been walking the east coast for only six days, but my phone's 256GB memory is already 35% full. So there's going to be a change in plans: I will now upload the whole day's worth of photos, but what you'll see on the blog will be the little thumbnails. Not to worry: click on any photo, and you'll be taken to the same slide show as always. When I'm back in Seoul, I'll enlarge the images and add captions.

Cela ne fait que 6 jours que je longe la côte est, mais la mémoire de mon portable est déjà à 35%. Donc il y aura un changement de plan: désormais je téléchargerai toutes les photos de la journée, mais vous ne verrez que les vignettes. Ne vous inquiétez pas: cliquez sur n'importe quelle vignette, et vous verrez le même diaporama que d'habitude. Quand je reviendrai à Séoul, j'agrandirai les images, et j'ajouterai des légendes.

6 일 동안 동해안길 도보여행하는데 휴대폰 카메라의 메모리(256GB)를 벌써 35% 썼어요. 그래서 업로드하는 방식을 바꾸겠어요: 당일의 사진을 모두 블로그에 업로드하겠어요. 썸네일 만 보이겠지만 걱정하지마세요: 사진에 클릭하시고 슬라이드쇼가 생기겠어요 (평소처럼). 여행 끝나고 서울에 돌아갈 때 이미지를 다 획대하고 캡션을 추가하겠어요.

The above also applies to Day 1-5.
Ceci s'applique également au jours 1-5.
1-5 일도 적용.

(Better Korean speakers than me can suggest less awkward ways to write what I wrote above in Korean. I'm fully aware my Korean sounds strange and stilted to natives.) 

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